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You will be provided a full syllabus from warm up to combinations and technique and across the floor dances

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Overview of Class Challenges

You will be provided a list of class challenges including; questions you might have regarding class flow, challenges you will most likely face in the classroom and how to respond in ones best ability facing certain difficulties

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Range of Music

Understanding the needs of your class, your personal preferences and creating a combination of what suits your class using inspiration and a fusion of your style and others.

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A complete demonstration of what should be and what should not be displayed in the class in terms of technique, transitions, and flexibility to change or expand on combinations

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Assisting Class Choreography

You will receive assisting for the creation of your full class. Starting from small observations that could enhance the maximum quality of your class, to the helping of how a choreography for a class is created through time space and motif techniques.

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Teacher Training

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